First Committee of the Disarmament and International Security Committee (1st DISEC)
Head Chair: Lin Zhang
Co-chair: Srimanvita Kamisetti
Legal: Drew Yang
Linda Zhang
Head Chair
About Linda
Hello Delegates! My name is Lin Zhang and I am beyond excited to serve as the Head Chair of the Disarmament and International Security Committee (DISEC) at SGVMUN II. I am currently a junior at Arcadia High School. I’ve been part of Model UN since my Freshman year and have always had a passion for research and public advocacy. This is my second year serving as a chair in SGVMUN and I can’t wait to hear about your perspective on the issues and topics that will be discussed. During my free time, I like to oil paint, practice the cello, play tennis, and write. As most of you may know, Model UN is a place where we tune into issues raised by each other and work together to protect the peace and harmony among the different nations. With that being said, I hope everyone can walk away from the conference with something useful, whether it be a new piece of knowledge or a new skill.
Srimanvita Kamisetti
About Srimanvita
Hi delegates! My name is Srimanvita and I am excited to serve as the Co-chair of the Disarmament and International Security Committee (DISEC) at SGVMUN II! Currently, I am a junior at Arcadia High School and this is my third year in MUN. Outside of school, I really enjoy reading romance novels, sleeping, and eating. I also love hanging out with my friends and listening to music, especially Gracie Abrams and Enhypen. I’m really looking forward to overseeing the flow of committee as well as hearing all of your creative speeches, especially during mods. I hope we can all have great discussions and an enjoyable time together! Good luck preparing and see you soon!!
Drew Yang
About Drew
Hey delegates! My name is Drew Yang, and I am thrilled to be chairing my first MUN conference with SGVMUN as legal in the Disarmament and International Security Committee (DISEC). I am currently an incoming junior at Arcadia High School and plan to major in pre-med, as I’ve developed an interest in biology and life sciences. I also enjoy playing basketball and spending quality time with family and friends! MUN has given me the opportunity to sharpen my public speaking and collaboration skills, and needless to say, this organization helped me grow as a person too. I look forward to hearing all your creative and innovative ideas!